Upcoming Public Events
Day of Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and President Carter
On Monday, January 20th (MLK Day), 8 am to 12 pm, Little Compton Community Center, let’s join together for a day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King and President Jimmy Carter with a day of service for LC residents and non-profits in need of a helping hand.
Pick up your assignments at the Little Compton Community Center. Questions: contact Travis Auty, CTAUTY81@gmail.com. In collaboration with LCCC and LCDTC.
Monthly Litter Pick Up
Thursday, February 13th, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. join members of the Sogkonate Garden Club for our monthly litter pick up. We will be picking up trash on Swamp Road and Brownell Road. Meet at the southern end of South of Commons Road. Gloves and bags will be provided.
Gardening for Wildlife with Native Plants
On Wednesday, October 9th, The Sogkonate Garden Club presents presents a program on ‘'Gardening for Wildlife with Native Plants'’ Emily Dutra, of Butterfly Effect, a Westport plant nursery. Many native plant lists and handouts of sources will be available. Program begins at 7:30 at the Little Compton Community Center.
Coastal Cleanup
Coastal Cleanup - Saturday, September 21, 2024 (Rain date Sept. 22). Join members of the Sogkonate Garden Club and members of the community to clean up Little Compton beaches. Volunteers meet at South Shore Beach parking area.
Our Local Land Trusts: Purposes and Pursuits
Thursday, August 1, 2024, 7:30 pm. Join Edward Levine, the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust; Ross Moran, the Westport Conservation Land Trust, and David Elliot of the Tiverton Land Trust for a discussion moderated by Carter Wilkie. 2nd Floor, Little Compton Community Center, 34 Commons, Little Compton.
Petals & Meadows ...not your typical garden tour
Saturday, July 27, 9 am to 5pm
You will see beautiful spaces and places and also some weeds! A diverse mix of 15 Southcoast (Little Compton, Tiverton, Westport) gardens most never before open to the public. All are true “works in progress” and reflect the vision and labor of their owners. Included are 5 Lloyd Lawton gardens, meadow expanses, formal gardens, wild places and much more. You will not be disappointed! The unexpected awaits... More information and registration link HERE.
Saturday May 25, 2024, 7:30-10:30 a.m. Sogkonate Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale; a not to be missed opportunity to purchase perennials, annuals, veggies, herbs, baked goods and win a raffle or score a great White Elephant deal.
Native Tree & Shrub Sale (3 Dates!)
Three dates for the LC Tree Committee Native Tree and Shrub Sale ! Dates include:
Sakonnet Plant Sale May 4 9:30AM -2:30PM Veterans Field
SGC Blossom & Sweets May 25th 7:30-10:30AM
July 13th United Congregational Church Fair, Pike’s Peak 9-3PM
New England Bonsai Presentation
Bonsai, the Japanese art of training miniature trees that are grown in containers. Presenters will describe bonsai basics and tell why this indoor art form is gaining in popularity.
Earth Day Clean Up
On Saturday, April 20th, join members of the Sogkonate Garden Club and other community groups for a town-wide Earth Day Clean up.. We will pick up litter on any street in town needing litter pick up. Meet at the Brownell House, 1 Meetinghouse Lane, Little Compton, between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.